It’s about time it started getting more jolly outside,
weather-wise. Heavens, March didn’t so
much come in like a lion, but more like a bag of frozen peas, lobbed at you in
a cold shower. Most unpleasant. However, yesterday I did seed planting and garden
weeding and general outdoor tending. All
this malarkey obviously brings me to images of Victorian spring-frolics!
Spring (Apple Blossom)
(1859) J E Millais
Ah, that’s the life! Lazing around
in the spring sunshine, drinking milk out of one giant bowl after scything
something. Possibly the strangest picnic
in art (yes, even including that nudey French one), still this gives the
impression of the happy, carefree industry of spring, where the weather is just
right to get outside and do stuff, then lie back and enjoy the warmth.
Spring Flowers (1851) George
There is something about children and spring, irresistibly drawn
together in Victorian art. The year is
young, the children are young, everything is full of promise and happiness,
what could be nicer?
Spring (1864) William
Even if this one has odd overtones of Spencer Stanhope’s Robins of Modern Times, still it gives
the feeling of jolly children sprawling in the sunshine like little lambs,
enjoying the pleasure of nature. It
might be the parent in me, but they are a little too close to that stream for
my liking. Sorry, I digress. Look how green the grass is, how clear the
sky is! Isn’t nature magical?
A Spring Roundelay (1910)
Edward Atkinson Hornel
Okay, now this one has overtones of The
Roses of Heliogabalus, which can’t be a good thing. I mean, I love spring but have no real wish
for it to smother me in its loveliness until I suffocate. Hornel’s pictures always look a bit like
that, as if you are in the middle of some sort of really pretty natural disaster
which people seem to be enjoying.
A Spring Idyll (1900) Thomas
Bromley Blacklock
See, that’s much nicer. Spring
should be all about going outside, sitting with your ducks, combing out your
hair in the warm and sweet-smelling garden.
That’s what March is all about, isn’t it?
Bleak March Frederick Hall
Oh, there’s always one, isn’t there?
Well, not this year! Begone, Mr
Hall, and your snowy sheep! Bring on the
sunshine and glorious blue sky!
A Study, In March John
William Inchbold
That’s better. I was walking the
dog the other day and the scene was just like this – glorious clear, bright
sky, the faintest smudge of powdered cloud and the sage and earth of nature all
lit up and glorious. Hurrah for spring
In the Springtime Frederick
William Jackson
Quick, I urge you to go out and gambol among the lambs in the nearest
field. You’ll feel the better for it and
people very rarely press charges for such behaviour in my experience. Sheep seem to be the honorary animal of the
season, I suppose because lambs are so cute and delicious, sorry, plentiful at
this time of year, frolicking around the fields like maniacs. You don’t get to see calves or chicks getting
such exposure. Possibly the lambs just
have better PR?
Spring in the Birch Wood
George Henry
Woods get a good viewing in spring, possibly because they come to life
with blue bells, leaves, the dappling of light through branches onto the verdant
green plush of the forest floor. Makes you
want to run wild and remove your hat in public.
A Spring Revel (1916) Robert
Anning Bell
Look, I love Spring, but when I said 'run wild', I meant taking off your
hat not getting a mob of noisy friends together and running around with your
thrups out. For goodness sake, pull
yourself together!
The Renaissance of Spring
(1911) Joseph Franklin Kershaw
Oh for goodness sake! I hope her back garden is not overlooked. You can’t get away with baring all among the
crocuses around our way, next door have a very sensitive security light. For some reason Spring is not only
personified by jolly children but also attention-seeking young women, flashing
their wherewithal from under a bedspread. It’s still quite chilly in the
mornings you know, no wonder everything is so perky.
Spring Lowell Dyer
As lovely as all this is, I’m not sure I want to encourage any displays
of public nudity, least of all my own.
Let’s be terribly English about this and reassure ourselves that we are
frolicking naked underneath at least three layers and a cardigan. Dyer’s maiden can waft about in something diaphanous;
I’m keeping my thermals on.
Spring (1904) Maximilian
Now that’s more like it. I like
a massive frock and cloak, and what’s that on her head? Brilliant.
Nice peacock too. However, I do
feel it is a little dark and doesn’t feel spring-like enough for my liking…
Blossoms of Spring William
Yes, that’ll do it.
Eye-blisteringly vivid, with gorgeous clouds and a rainbow as well! This truly says to me ‘Winter is over, let’s
go bonkers!’ in the most glorious manner.
There’s a pond, some ducks, a cherry tree covered in blossom. It’s all
marvellous and makes you want to frolic around in the sunshine enjoying the
daylight and vitamin D. Well, run free and happy spring-time, my lovely readers, and may you gambol, frolic and remain as fully
clothed as is legal...