Sunday, 14 October 2012

Nice to Meet You!

Just a quick post before I get back to normal and do a proper bit (about gypsies, in case you are interested).  I did my talk at the Russell-Cotes Art Gallery yesterday afternoon and had enormous fun. The chance to talk about the life and importance of Fanny Cornforth was a huge privileged, and I thank the Russell-Cotes for the opportunity to do it not only yesterday, but I get to do it all over again on 17th November!

Me and Pre-Raphaelite Jane (and her marvellous necklace)
 It was lovely to meet some of the splendid people who read this blog, and answer some questions, like what happened to Fanny's art collection after she died? (She had sold it all by then, but it would be interesting to know what happened to her belongings, her books, her furniture)  What happened to Cecil Schott? (I would love to know - this is a call-out for any descendants of Cecil!  Come on, please drop me a line, I'd love to hear from you!)

Lovely Moyra and her Pre-Raphaelite skirt
We also discussed why it is so difficult to find Fanny's death certificate, one of my favourite subjects because heavens knows I have found it difficult, but it is part of a wider issue of the recording of women with no husbands or children to speak for them.  As I told the audience yesterday, I found lots of 'Sarah Cox' entries on the census, some widows, some childless, some with no record of where they came from.  Any number, or none, of them could have been her.  My favourite question came from a lady and gentleman who came back to ask, just as we were packing up the room, why were they called the Pre-Raphaelites?  They knew very little about the subject and had come to the talk by chance but found the subject interesting and hopefully will become as mad about the Pre-Raphaelites as we are!

Talking to splendid Madeleine and Signing Books
Well, thank you everyone who came, thanks to Miss Holman, Resting Ninja, for security and photography, thank you to the people who bought a copy of my book and those brought their copies with them.  It was a pleasure to meet you all and if you enjoyed it half as much as I did, you must have had a ball.  

And I get to do it all again in November! The tickets are free (I am a bargain, my friends), and if you would like to come along, please email 

or call 01202 451820 to book tickets.


  1. Brilliant, more to come I hope for you.

  2. Wish I lived in England so I could have come! Looks like it was a lot of fun.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Thank you to everyone who came and thanks to my lovely online support group. I hope someday to meet you all :)


Many thanks for your comment. I shall post it up shortly! Kx